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This beginner’s guide is here to answer the most common questions about CBD, starting from the ground up.

So, what is CBD?

CBD (aka Cannabidiol) is a naturally occurring therapeutic compound.

More specifically, CBD is a cannabinoid. It's one of over 100 different cannabinoids that can be found in the flowers of hemp and cannabis plants.

The two most abundant cannabinoids are CBD (Cannabidol) and THC (Tetrahydracannabinol). The most notable difference is that unlike it's cousin THC, CBD is totally non-intoxicating - so it won't get you high.

CBD has been growing in popularity in recent years, as scientific research has started to focus on the many potential therapeutic benefits of this cannabinoid.

CBD can be extracted from the resin that forms inside the flower of the hemp plant. Hemp plants are strains of the cannabis plant that are high in CBD and very low in THC.

CBD works by influencing receptors across the body and brain while also enhancing your natural levels of endocannabinoids by occupying certain enzymes. This plays an active role in keeping many different physiological processes healthy and functioning, including memory, mood and the immune system.

How does CBD work?

Each of our bodies has a set of receptors that interacts with compounds called cannabinoids, like CBD. These receptors, found throughout the body, comprise the endocannabinoid system (ECS), a complex signalling system that ensures our bodies maintain homeostasis.

Put another way, the ECS keeps us in balance by directing the communication traffic in our bodies. Cannabinoids such as CBD interact with this system, mimicking natural compounds (called endocannabinoids) produced by the body.

In the human body, CBD influences cannabinoid receptor activity and encourages production of the body’s natural endocannabinoids. Interestingly, CBD also affects activity beyond the endocannabinoid system and can also interact with opioid, dopamine, and serotonin receptors. The ability of CBD to interact with so many different systems throughout the body suggests it has the potential to open new frontiers in psychiatry and medicine.

How can CBD help?


With CBD's far reaching abilities to enhance wellbeing, it's become a rising star in the world of health supplements and wellness.

Consuming CBD supplements such as oil, capsules or edibles has been reported to to have many positive effects on peoples everyday lives and wellbeing. Studies have shown CBD can beneficially effect the immune system, serotonin (the happiness chemical), and sleep quality with virtually no side effects.


There's no denying it; CBD has taken skincare and self-care by storm. Topically applied, CBD delivers nourishing benefits directly into the skin.

But CBD is still a relatively new discovery so there hasn’t been enough time to carry out many long-term studies. What scientific research has found is that there is strong evidence to show CBD has high efficacy to support anti-ageing and has powerful anti-oxidant, anti-pollution, anti-inflammatory, and anti-acne properties.


In the UK, medical-strength CBD is unavailable to the majority of patients and is only prescribed in very rare circumstances. It's also illegal to make medical claims about CBD, but we can inform you about how other countries use it in medicine.

Internationally, CBD medicine is used in treating a variety of ailments including; anxiety, insomnia, PTSD, epilepsy, MS, arthritis, chronic migraines, chronic pain, Chron's, IBS, addiction and more.

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